Treewind Music and Technical Services

Anahata's Music recording, Web site hosting and design
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Hosting and Web Site Design

Web Hosting


I run web sites for various organisations and people, and occasionally help people set up their own web sites. If you are looking for low cost hosting for a small site with its own domain name I should be able to help. Here are some example prices:
Item annual cost
Hosting for 1 domain inc. 1GB storage£20
Hosting for 2 or more domains inc. 1 GB storage£30
Extra storage per GB or part GB£5
Most .uk£9
Hosting is on a virtual machine provided by Bitfolk.
All packages include:
  • Fast SSD storage for web sites, databases and email
  • PHP server side scripting and MySQL databases
  • Blogging and other server side packages like Wordpress
  • Email accounts (mailboxes, webmail)
  • Email redirects
  • Spam filtering
  • SSL encryption for security (i.e. an https:// URL)
  • IPv4 AND IPv6 addresses and connectivity
  • Daily local and offsite backups, with some retained for months
  • All WordPress installations are kept on latest version of WordPress
There are no fixed limits on bandwidth or monthly traffic but abuse will be prevented if it is affecting other users or overall server limits are exceeed.

Web Site Design

What I Can Do for You

Many of my hosting customers use Wordpress, a free package which enables them to create their own site with a minimum of technical knowledge.

My own sites are hand-coded in PHP, HTML and CSS because I find it easier that way and because Wordpress is far from ideal for everything. I can can also build you a custom site. Where appropriate, I charge for my time (at reasonable rates) though many of the sites shown below are voluntary organizations, charities or things I'm directly involved with anyway.

If you want a site designed and hosted, or you want a few tips on how to do your own, email me and I'll see if I can help.

Technical Details

  • HTML5, CSS3, PHP V8.3 (8.2 and 7.4 also available), Mariadb 15.1 (MySQL)
  • Standards compliant: code is checked with online validators.
  • Extensive use of PHP server side scripting.
  • Responsive design, meaning pages adapt to display sensibly on small screens like phones. (some sites still need updating for this)
  • I very rarely use Javascript.
  • For database access, I use PHP's PDO extension for immunity to SQL injection attacks (a common hacking technique ).
  • Where passwords are needed, best security practices are followed.